Mittwoch - Mai - 02.05.2012 - 23:27 Uhr
Flugabgabe Italien ...... Update II
Italy backtracks on luxury tax
AOPA Italy has won its battle to have the country's new 'luxury tax' modified to allow general aviation aircraft to continue to fly into the country at will without running the risk of incurring enormous tax bills. The Italian Parliament has approved major changes which mean business trips and tourist visits can continue as before. The law which subjected foreign aircraft to the luxury tax after only 48 hours on Italian soil has been changed so that the tax is only imposed after 45 days of continuous stay. Even then, it will be applied on a monthly basis at one twelfth of the previous rate, and aircraft visiting Italy for maintenance will be exempt.
Massimo Levy of AOPA Italy says: "We have won our battle, and AOPA wishes to thank every member in every country who wrote, sent emails and faxes to our diplomatic authorities to register their protest, and who helped us obtain this outstanding result."
The tax has been reduced by 50% for Italian private aircraft - "still a lot for us, but definitely more affordable than before," says Massimo. Ultralights and microlights, homebuilts, historic aircraft and orphans are exempt, and while helicopters remain liable to the tax, the rate has been reduced by half.
AOPA members all over Europe contacted their Italian embassies and consulates to point out that the new tax would kill general aviation tourism in Italy and would cost the country far more than it generated. Names of Ambassadors and addresses of Embassies were provided by AOPA Italy. Many who wrote received replies from diplomats who clearly understood the problem, were impressed by the volume of protest and who put pressure on Italian authorities to make changes.
The original proposal would have imposed a sliding scale of taxes on every private aircraft, while exempting all those owned by the government, operating on AOCs, or run by Italian flying clubs. Starting at €1.50 per kilogram for aircraft under 1,000 kg, it rose to €7.55 per kilogram for aircraft over 10,000 kg, which meant that a Lear 60 that stayed more than two days in Italy would pay €80,480 and a BBJ would be liable for €585,620. The imposition of the tax resulted in a significant decrease in movements at Florence and Venice, while the business aviation terminal at Olbia in Sardinia experienced a large number of cancellations. In Milan, Italian business aircraft began repositioning over the border in Switzerland.
Massimo Levy reports that if anyone has been forced to pay the tax, they will not be credited according to the new rates. They will, however, be able to net off what they have paid against any future taxes of this type.
So und für alle jene unter Euch, die gerne die Meldung in Deutsch lesen, hier zwei Links auf angefügte Dokumente in Deutsch .......
Lustig zu lesen wer sich aller den Erfolg auf seine Fahnen heftet.
Weniger lustig ist die Mehrbelastung welche den italienischen Pilotenkollegen ins Haus steht, eine 172 (wie die OE-KLP) soll 1300,-- Euro Steuer im Jahr kosten.....
Danke an Hans Peter für den Reminder
Link: Aussendung des Aeroclubs
Link: Kopie der Seite "Fliegen in Italien..."
Link: Links auf die Originalseite, fliegen-in-iItalien.de
Geschrieben von: Wolfgang Gockert