Donnerstag - Mai - 31.05.2001 - 20:30 Uhr
Lufthansa - fast schon ein Lieblingsthema
Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem die deutsche Airline nicht in den Medien vorkommt. Heute hat Wolfgang einen Beitrag gefunden, der technisch sehr interessant ist. Und die Boeing-Fans unter Euch werden für kurze Zeit wieder etwas Oberwasser haben ...
Nun die Textstelle:
"A reverse-wired stick on a Lufthansa Airbus A320 nearly resulted in a crash last week.
The Aircraft dipped to a 21-degree left bank immediately after takeoff from Frankfurt, before the Co-pilot switched his Sidestick to Priority and was able to recover the Aircraft.
Review of the Aircraft's Flight Data Recorder showed that its left wing missed the Ground by less than two feet. The Crew said they had performed all appropriate preflight checks and did not discover any Irregularities.
After climbing to altitude, in-flight checks confirmed the reversal problem and the aircraft returned to Frankfurt. Maintenance had been performed on the captain's controls prior to the flight... "
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