Mittwoch - Januar - 18.01.2006 - 08:14 Uhr
Die Stockerauer Hexen sind nun international
Vier Stockerauer Pilotinnen und eine Wiener Pilotin haben die AUSTRIAN Section of 99s http://www.ninety-nines.org/ gegründet :
the largest, oldest and most prestigious organization of Women pilots in the world
Who are The Ninety-Nines?
THE NINETY-NINES, INC., is an international organization of licensed women pilots from 35 countries - we currently have over 5,500 members throughout the world. We are a non-profit, charitable membership corporation holding 501(c)(3) U.S. tax status. Our International Headquarters is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Although there are other female pilot organizations in various states and nations, virtually all women of achievement in aviation have been or are members of The Ninety-Nines.
The organization came into being November 2, 1929, at Curtiss Field, Valley Stream, Long Island, New York. All 117 American female pilots had been invited to assemble for mutual support and the advancement of aviation. Louise Thaden was elected secretary and worked tirelessly to keep the group together as we struggled to organize and grow until 1931, when Amelia Earhart was elected as first president and the group was named for the 99 charter members.
Today Ninety-Nines are professional pilots for airlines, industry and government; we are pilots who teach and pilots who fly for pleasure; we are pilots who are technicians and mechanics. But first and foremost, we are women who love to fly!
Wir freuen uns natürlich über jedes neue Mitglied.
Meldet euch bei Monika Stahl Tel.0664/1341672
Link: Link
Link: International Headquarters
Link: 99 Charter Members
Geschrieben von: Monika Stahl